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Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine
Dr. Wynter Byrnes

Unlock your health potential

In the practice of Chinese Medicine, we use several diagnostic tools to give us a more specific understanding of what is going on with the body in the present moment. We use tools such as the reading of the pulses, visualizing the tongue and an abdominal exam to determine how the body systems are interacting with each other and what pathological influences are causing the symptoms of the chief complaint presented by the patient.
The pulse examination consists of palpating a total of 6 positions on each wrist. The pulse represents each of the organ systems, 3 on the right and 3 on the left. There are also 3 levels of depth for each organ system. The pulse exam is a very nuanced and ancient art. The process for becoming adept at interpreting the pulse is one of patience and consistency, but the pay off is unquestionable. The speed, velocity and fullness at which the blood runs through each of the positions reveals vital information about how the organs systems are functioning and relating to each other.
The abdominal When we look at the tongue we are looking at the overall color of the tongue body, the color and thickness of the coat as well as other features such as teeth marks or red bumps. We also look at the color and distention of the veins underneath the tongue.
The abdominal exam is a very effective diagnostic tool for the organ systems of the body according to Chinese medicine.
The exam consists of the patient lying face up with the abdomen exposed from the top of the hip bones to the bottom of the sternum. The examiner will gently palpate different areas of the abdomen through pressing, tapping and pressure
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